Breast Cancer and GMO’s: Why I Don’t Walk or Wear Pink Ribbons
I was going to write an article on this very subject and then I found this article by Sayer Ji (the founder and director of which said everything I wanted to say about what a scam the month of October is. Now, I've had breast cancer, and I was...
Are you a Victim of Diet Circumstance?
The circumstances being what the latest trend is on how way to lose weight: Your botox nurse sells the HCG diet and you try it. You see a commercial for Nutritsystems, you sign up. There's an article in Women's or Men's Health on low-fat diets or counting calories and...
Don’t Be Fat Phobic
I wanted to tell you not to be fat - phobic. And yes, I mean even saturated fat. Fats and cholesterol are actually good for you. Without fats and cholesterol, you can't make sex and stress hormones. The liver turns cholesterol into bile salts needed for intestinal...
You Don’t Have to Be as Mad as a Hatter to Have Heavy Metals in Your Body!
The signs can be much more subtle than you behaving like a raving lunatic: acne, adrenal insufficiency, allergies, anemia, anorexia, anxiety, arthritis (osteo & rheumatoid), autism, cancer, chills, depression, diabetes, digestive disorders, dry mouth,...
Fructose or Salt: Which is Worse?
Almost every time eat with someone I don't know very well, they are horrified that I use salt on my food. I, of all people should know AND should be setting the example of not eating salt! I mean "everybody knows" salt is bad for you. Well it depends... "Ordinary...
Antibiotic means “Against Life” – Think About It
What happens when you take antibiotics? Well, first you need to know we have certain strains of bacteria in the digestive tract that are essential to digest food and produce healthy vitamins. Antibiotics do not make the distinction between harmful bacteria and helpful...
New Year, New Now, New You
There is an old Proverb I love: The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now. Your health and fitness are two of the trees you should plant now if you missed doing it 20 years ago, and two of the most important things you can do for...
Thin People Are Perfectly Healthy, Right?
Really? Are they automatically healthy, or at least automatically healthier than fat people? Well, that’s what one would think by the propaganda in the media. And that’s what one would think by some of the attitudes of thin people out there. Some thin people give off...
What? Me Toxic?
Yes, you. And you and you and you. Every last one of you. And me. How and why? Well, do you live on this planet? Ok, if you really lived off the grid, like on some remote island and had from the time you were born, maybe you would be pretty toxin free. But most of us...
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year? How To Address Adrenal Fatigue
I actually love this time of year, but apparently, a lot of people don't due to the amount of financial and other stress it puts us under. As reported in the New York Daily News, about 45 percent of Americans would prefer to skip Christmas altogether this December,...
Winter “Medicine” Chest
Ideally, you should be supporting your immune system all along by eating properly, taking supplements, getting adequate sleep and getting rid of or learning to deal with the "toxic people" in our lives who stress us out. In other words, lots of fresh vegetables and...
Stealth Pathogens
Stealth Pathogens - Who knows what evil lurks in the body of man? Only your immune system knows for sure. So what is a Stealth Pathogen? Any pathogenic micro-organism (bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite) employing strategies to persist in the body by hiding from,...
No Way … Way!
Antibiotics, NSAIDS and Proton Pump Inhibitors are three of the worse things you can take. “NO WAY - Antibiotics make me well, NSAIDS get rid of my joint pain and Proton Pump Inhibitors get rid of my acid reflux!” WAY - all three destroy your gut health which leads...
What’s in a Label?
2014 Health In Review
Health is not like math. Someone is not suddenly going to come up with a new answer for 2+2. But new discoveries happen in health all the time and we need to learn and change accordingly when they are valid. It's hard on some people to learn new things. It doesn't...
The Science of Stress
Type 2 Diabetes Facts & Statistics
Help for Depression lth/type-2-diabetes/statistics-infographic">
Feel Good…Again!
Are you putting up with aches and pains? Maybe a little indigestion, gas and bloating? Have you hit close to 40 or 50 and don't have as much energy and have put on a little weight, get sick more often and have become a little forgetful? What about being on one or two...
Leaky Gut Infographic
To Address Leaky Gut, See My Page On The Gut Flora Program. Source:
Gut Flora Program – Good and Bad Bacteria
We have good bacteria and bad bacteria in our in our intestinal tract and we have an intestinal wall to keep them all in. For some people, the bad bacteria way outweighs the good and the intestinal walls aren't so solid. This can lead to a myriad of problems. We’ve...
What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?
What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like? What is Your Long Term Vision For Health? Food is information and it talks to your genes and controls gene expression, hormones and metabolism. What you eat has the potential to determine if you will develop disease or gain...
Just So You Know
Random Things I Want To Share 8 Benefits of Eating Asparagus: 1. Feeds friendly bacteria: Asparagus is one of the few vegetables containing a carbohydrate called inulin. Inulin promotes the growth and activity of these friendly bacteria in the intestines making...
Just So You Know
Here is a Collection of Things that are Good to Know: "If a late night at the office has you reaching for a sugary treat to stay alert, a new study might make you reconsider your approach. Research published in the journal Neuron in November 2011 suggests that...
Just So You Know
"A shocking report shows that one in ten American teens are now suffering from liver disease—a direct result of the distortion and pollution of our food system that allows fructose to be treated as if it's perfectly safe. Fructose is not metabolized in the same way...
Just So You Know
The fact is that our immune status determines susceptibility. If the immune system is continually challenged with environmental toxicants, nutritional deficiencies and/or incompatibilities, chronic stress, influenza is far more likely to take hold. If your immune...
Just So You Know
I like to collect articles I think people should know about and put them together and send them out every so often: I don't follow, and tend to not have any respect for mainstream or "pop" nutrition. You know - the nutritionist on the morning news who is telling you...
The Benefits of Yoga
Modern life can throw up plenty of reasons to become stressed, and an excellent stress-relieving discipline for both body and mind is yoga. Yoga originated in India, but the benefits of yoga has made it popular throughout the world. How Yoga Can Help Body and Mind An...
Adrenals Are The Stress Handling Glands
Posted by Kay Curtis The adrenal glands, stress handling glands that are located on top of the kidneys, act as the control center for over 50 hormones which are involved in a large number of physiological functions in the body. They produce hormones in response to...
Protein Is The Thing To Eat If You Are Stressed
Protein is the thing to eat if you are stressed, tired, can't think clearly or want to lose weight. That's the short list. I have some people come into my office very confused about protein. They are actually scared to eat it and they have no idea how good it is for...
Many Marvelous Minerals Might Be Miraculous
Are you fat, tired, crazy, irritated? Have aches and pains, sick all the time or no interest in sex? Well, sounds like you need a miracle and that miracle could be minerals. Every living cell on this planet depends on minerals for proper function. Minerals are needed...
For You, Summers Are Fun, but a Peril for Your Skin
Is Summer The Reason For Escalating Your Skin Issues? Summers are here and it’s time for you to experiment. After all, summer is the apt time to do it. You have so much liberty during this season. But would you like doing it, keeping your skin at stake? For You...
Cuckoo For Coconut Oil
The following has been taken from an article written by Dr. Carolyn Deen, who is usually talking about the benefits of magnesium. She took it from Dr. Bruce Fife's website, who has written 9 books on coconut oil and uses it in the treatment of Alzheimer's. I found it...
How Low Does Your Bifido Go?
Gut flora is the micro- organism that lives in the digestive track. The “good” gut flora, which Bifidobacteria is one of, has a mutually beneficial relationship with their host, meaning us. Without this gut flora, we suffer many illnesses you read and hear about every...
Normal Cholesterol
The maximum normal cholesterol in 1984 was 330. But now if you are even one point over 200, most doctors freak out and put you on statins, even though there is very little evidence that statins help at all - actually there is lots of evidence that they do harm (First,...
Oh My Cod!
I love Cod Liver Oil! It's been used for centuries because it is so effective in addressing what ails you and in helping to prevent ailments such as the flu, depression, cancer, heart disease and learning disorders - just to name a few. This from the Weston A....
Zinc Deficiency – Not A Good Idea
Zinc is a trace mineral we can't live without. Surprisingly, 75% of people in our over-fed and undernourished Western nations are deficient in Zinc. Over 300 enzymes in our body need zinc to function, so zinc plays an important role in maintaining healthy functioning...