I have several videos in this article that cover different topics about pharmaceutical drugs – the illogic of using them, the harm they do to people, the way the companies who produce and sell the drugs conduct business and the newest news of all – the fact that they apparently don’t work any better than a placebo!
I should start with the fact that we have been told that chemical imbalances that cause mental illness, depression and anxiety exist in our brains, and that there are tests to prove this. According to these Psychiatrists as well as many others, this is not true:
“No behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. That’s not what diseases are. Diseases are malfunctions of the human body, of the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brain. Typhoid fever is a disease. Spring fever is not a disease; it is a figure of speech, a metaphoric disease. All mental diseases are metaphoric diseases, misrepresented as real diseases and mistaken for real diseases.”
“It’s not science. It’s politics and economics. That’s what psychiatry is: politics and economics. Behavior control, it is not science, it is not medicine.”
— Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus
“There’s no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say, ‘I have a biochemical imbalance,’ I say, ‘Show me your lab tests.’ There are no lab tests. So what’s the biochemical imbalance?”
— Dr. Ron Leifer, Psychiatrist
But the fact remains that there are people out there that don’t feel good. So what could it be? Well, what is it usually if your body quits functioning properly? I feel like it is an imbalance, but not like the one everyone is talking about (the brain kind). When I think of an imbalance, I think of a deficiency, a toxicity or both. Pretty simple.
Now toxins can cause deficiencies and deficiencies can make you more susceptible to toxins. But regardless of which ever occurred first in your body, the fact remains more chemicals in the way of pharmaceuticals aren’t going to handle the actual underlying problem. So why on earth, would anyone ingest a chemical (which is toxic) when you need to get rid of toxins and handle the deficiencies you have? It is possibly one of the most illogical things I have ever heard of. If your car was running out of gas, you wouldn’t put sugar in it, would you? Or if the math formula said 1 + X would you do 1 + Y and expect to get the right answer? No, you wouldn’t. At least I hope you wouldn’t. (If you would, I have a tutoring service you should use, too.)
This is a good video illustrating the above point – Green Mental Health: An Alternative to Toxic Drugs
Now keep in mind that if you take the pharmaceutical drug, you still have the underlying cause of why you feel the way you do. You are just throwing chemicals at the symptoms. This is not of much concern to the companies producing these drugs. Watch this:
To add insult to injury (literally), these drugs create MORE depletions in your system and rob you of the nutrients that you rely on to have your body run properly. Some of these depletions include melatonin, protein, Co-enzyme Q10 and many of the B vitamins. Well this is pretty counter intuitive because you need correct melatonin levels to sleep, so you can feel good; protein for the amino acids that people often lack when they have mental issues and the B vitamins are pivotal to mental health!
Watch this for the injurious side effects that are created:
From Pharmelot.com:
“We all know about the placebo effect. But a Harvard Medical School professor has applied the same theory to antidepressants and his findings are likely to rile drug makers. Why? He filed Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain unpublished clinical trial data and found that, when combining results with published data, the various antidepressants were no better than dummy pills.”
Irving Kirsch tells 60 Minutes –
“These are the studies that show no benefit of the antidepressant over the placebo. What they did was they took more successful studies – they published most of them – and they took their unsuccessful studies, and they didn’t publish that…. If they were mildly or moderately depressed, you don’t see a difference at all. The only place where you get a clinically meaningful difference is at these very extreme levels of depression,” Irving Kirsch tells 60 Minutes. “…The reason they get better is not the chemical in the drug. The difference between drug and placebo is very, very small, and in half of the studies, non-existent… You can get the same benefit without drugs.”
Watch – What Benefit? Antidepressants & The Placebo Effect
For one person struggling with depression or anxiety, it might be as easy as taking Omega 3’s, minerals and a change in diet to start feeling better immediately, and for another person it might be a little more involved to sort out adrenal fatigue or thyroid dysfunction. But many of these unwanted feelings can be addressed once you start handling the underlying nutritional deficiencies.
For more information on this subject please go to www.CCHR.org and www.Pharmalot.com.
These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.