
Are you a Victim of Diet Circumstance?

The circumstances being what the latest trend is on how way to lose weight: Your botox nurse sells the HCG diet and you try it. You see a commercial for Nutritsystems, you sign up. There’s an article in Women’s or Men’s Health on low-fat diets or...

Don’t Be Fat Phobic

I wanted to tell you not to be fat – phobic. And yes, I mean even saturated fat. Fats and cholesterol are actually good for you. Without fats and cholesterol, you can’t make sex and stress hormones. The liver turns cholesterol into bile salts needed for...

Fructose or Salt: Which is Worse?

Almost every time eat with someone I don’t know very well, they are horrified that I use salt on my food. I, of all people should know AND should be setting the example of not eating salt! I mean “everybody knows” salt is bad for you. Well it...