Are you putting up with aches and pains? Maybe a little indigestion, gas and bloating? Have you hit close to 40 or 50 and don’t have as much energy and have put on a little weight, get sick more often and have become a little forgetful? What about being on one or two prescriptions? Think it’s normal to have high blood pressure or need cholesterol medication? It’s all a part of life and growing old right?


NO – it’s all a part of a poor diet! Aging is an accumulation of poor diet, not enough exercise, and toxins in our foods and in our environment. We can probably handle all those problems or even prevent them form occurring if we would just quit eating sugar, grains and toxins in our food.

Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, Obesity, Joint Inflammation, Illness and Diabetes are all part of metabolic dysregulation. It all starts with diet.

That cereal or whole wheat bagel you eat for breakfast, the sandwich and chips you have for lunch and the pizza and pasta for dinner, plus the snacks of yogurt (yes, yogurt) candy, soda, sugary “protein” bars etc. all create an insulin surge in your body.

Insulin circulating in your body after these meals does a few things. The thing it does that people find the most surprising is that in the presence of insulin, you don’t burn fat – it prevents you from tapping into your fat stores and burning your fat for energy.

As a matter of fact, the insulin actually stores your food and helps you create fat.

The other thing it does is give you cravings for sugar and carbohydrates or grains – so then you eat more of the wrong thing!

Now, back to all the pain and dis-ease. Here’s the vicious cycle when you consume a low fat, high in sugar and grains or other starchy carbohydrates (potatoes) diet:


  1. High carbohydrate meals lead to insulin surges (all carbohydrates turn to sugar in your system)
  2. Muscle cells become insulin resistant due to poor diet and lack of exercise
  3. Sugar gets stored as fat in fat cells
  4. Once fat cells become insulin resistant (sick of insulin and sugar), then you are on to transitioning to Diabetes
  5. Diabetes is a disease of dysfunctional carbohydrate metabolism
  6. Elevated insulin causes sodium retention, which can lead to hypertension
  7. Fat cells are an endocrine organ that secrete inflammatory cytokines which causes blood vessel damage, plaque, all those aches and pains, depression, illness and increased oxidative stress leading to Alzheimer’s or cognitive decline.

That’s the whole sorry cycle in brief.

So when you have these little (or not so little) physical problems that we attribute to “age”, you really have symptoms of metabolic dysregulation or too many carbohydrates in your diet. It’s not age. If all these physical problems were just age, why do I see people in my office between the ages of 10 years old and 30 years old with aches, pains, depression, cognitive issues, frequent illness, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and pre-diabetes? All of these problems are types of, or symptoms of insulin resistance.

So you can see that all of that advice about eating whole grains and the new food pyramid the Government put out is ALL wrong.

So how do you eat without raising you insulin levels and setting off a cascade of insulin resistance related problems?

We need to eat about 30% protein, about 20% above ground vegetables and at least 50% fat. Yes, fat. (I eat about 60% + fat) If you are still under the delusion that a low fat diet is what will help you maintain your health, you are sadly mistaken and way behind on your research.

For additional Information, check out:


Don’t Be Fat Phobic

That’s the Fa(c)ts, Jack!

Normal Cholesterol

You wouldn’t believe how great you will feel eating grain free, sugar free, high fat, low carb foods with lots of fresh vegetables, hormone free protein and nothing processed!


Feel Good…Again!


Aches and pains disappear, you don’t feel hungry all the time, you tend to lose weight/inches, high blood pressure and cholesterol return to a normal range, you don’t get sick all the time and most importantly – you know you are not killing yourself, but actually prolonging your life!


These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.