The maximum normal cholesterol in 1984 was 330. But now if you are even one point over 200, most doctors freak out and put you on statins, even though there is very little evidence that statins help at all – actually there is lots of evidence that they do harm (First, do no harm and all that). Did you know that about half of all heart attacks and strokes happen in people with normal cholesterol? Also, don’t forget, we actually need cholesterol! I’ll tell you why.

We are pounded daily by commercials and in the super market about avoiding cholesterol, eat fat free, watch your cholesterol! But where is the evidence that this is really necessary? And if it is necessary, are we going about it the right way? Are we just victims of marketing? Let’s look at the other side of the coin, that doesn’t get air time:

“In support of statin therapy for the primary prevention of this disease in women and people aged over 65 years, the guidelines cite seven and nine randomized trials, respectively. Yet not one of the studies provides such evidence. ”

– John Abramson, MD (Harvard Medical School) and James Wright, MD (University of British Colombia)

Lancet, January 20, 2007

“Between 1997 and 2007, no major changes were apparent in the age-adjusted percentage of coronary heart disease, stroke or other heart conditions”

– Data Source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Health Interview Statistics, data from the National Health Interview Survey

“Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of the coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest scientific deception of this century.”

– George V. Mann, MD, 1991

Co-Director of the Framingham Heart Study

Professor of Medicine & Biochemistry

Vanderbilt University

In 1937, Columbia University biochemists David Rittenberg & Rudolph Schoenheimer demonstrated that dietary cholesterol had little or no influence on blood cholesterol. Since this has never been refuted, why do the 2010 Dietary Guidelines limit dietary cholesterol to fewer than 300 mg per day?

Dietary cholesterol is poorly absorbed – 50 percent at best (Mary Enig, PhD; Michael I. Gurr, PhD). According to these lipid biochemists, the more cholesterol you eat the less cholesterol you absorb. Since our livers synthesize between 1200-1800 mg of cholesterol daily, why is there any limit on dietary cholesterol in the Dietary Guidelines?

In 1997, retired from the University of Minnesota, Ancel Keys, American Heart Association board member – father of the low fat diet – said: “Cholesterol in food has no affect on cholesterol in blood and we’ve known that all along.” Keys recanted but no one was listening to him anymore…


About 100 men need to take a statin for just one to benefit.


So how do statins, which are the best selling drugs in history, harm us? Well, did you know that diseases caused by statins include diabetes, cancer, nerve and muscle damage, depression, suicide, dementia, memory loss and, TA DA… HEART FAILURE? Statins deplete us of Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin A, B-12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, magnesium and zinc. Hello? Is this ridiculous or what? So it’s no wonder that those deficiencies cause lots and lots of physical and mental issues.

Really low cholesterol (under 200) is actually dangerous. Let’s look at what cholesterol, which is produced by almost every cell, does for us and why we need it.

Cholesterol is used to repair wounds, including tears and irritations in the arteries

Cholesterol helps make hormones that regulate blood sugar, mineral metabolism and help us deal with stress and produce all the sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone

Cholesterol is vital to the function of the brain and nervous system

Cholesterol protects us against depression by playing a role in the utilization of serotonin

Cholesterol is the precursor of Vitamin D

Cholesterol is a powerful antioxidant that protects us from free radicals and cancer

Cholesterol, especially the LDL, helps fight infections

Ok, so you still have sky rocketing cholesterol, or worse yet, high triglycerides. What’s a person to do? First thing you need to do is QUIT EATING LOW FAT FOOD! Why? Because low fat food is very high in carbohydrates and that’s the very thing making your cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure high!!!

You need to eat some organic eggs – yes- eggs WITH the yolk! Eat hormone free, grass fed beef and lots of vegetables with organic butter on them and knock off the starch in the way of bread, crackers, cereal (including oatmeal!) and all the sugar items. You also need to take whole-food supplements, including fish oil like Tuna Omega 3’s or Cod Liver Oil, and quit taking those horrible synthetic vitamins. Oh, and get some exercise! Do these things and you will reduce the chronic inflammation that is causing the Cardiovascular disease in the first place.

I know this may seem hard, but I can help you accomplish this. What sets me apart from other nutritionist that hand you a diet is that I will work with you to change your diet in the most painless manor possible. I have lots of creative ideas and resources. I routinely help people, who never thought they could, change their diet and as a result, they drop weight, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood pressure, Hemoglobin A1C and fasting glucose points.

Speaking of blood tests, cholesterol is not a very good indicator of cardiovascular disease. You need to look at Homocysteine levels, Fibrinogen, Lipoprotein (a), HGB A1C, Fasting Insulin, Fasting Glucose. Also urinary proteins tests are good. Ask your Doctor about these. OR, in California, you can actually order your own tests. Call or write and I will tell you how to order them.

These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.