Here is a Collection of Things that are Good to Know:
“If a late night at the office has you reaching for a sugary treat to stay alert, a new study might make you reconsider your approach. Research published in the journal Neuron in November 2011 suggests that it is protein, not sugar or a caloric infusion, that stimulates the cells we rely on to help us fend off fatigue.
The study looked at the effect of a variety of nutrients on orexin cells, which secrete stimulants in the brain that cause us to expend energy and stay awake. Scientists found that the number of nerve impulses generated by orexin cells were increased by the intake of amino acids (building blocks of protein) similar to those found in egg whites. Glucose, a sugar, blocked these impulses. (Caffeine was not investigated in the study.)
According to lead researcher Denis Burdakov, PhD, a pharmacology professor at the University of Cambridge, the research suggests that the type of nutrients we ingest can have a big impact not just on our health and weight, but also on our day-to-day energy rhythms and mental alertness.
“The brain’s sleep and nutrition centers are not just ‘calorie meters,’” he says. “They are influenced, instead, by the balance of different nutrients in the diet.”
So the next time you need to power through a long workday, avoid sugar-laden snacks in favor of protein-rich foods.”
Read more: Boost Your Energy with Protein Snacks
Del Monte’s Fruit Twist Apple Strawberry Juice contains 3 teaspoons of sugar per 18g serving (66% sugar by weight responsible for 80% of calories) coming from concentrated apple purees and juices. This is 10X the sugar of 18g of actual apples and 40% more sugar bite for bite than you would find in a Twizzlers candy.
Read more: Weighty Matters
Barbara Bronson’s comment illustrates how uneducated many consumers are about rudimentary high school level biology — believing, for example, that an artificial sweetener loaded with synthetic chemicals could aid in weight loss or even remotely be beneficial to human health.”
Read more: Freind’s Eat Blog
Additionally, when a patient is receiving produce from the FVRx, they must meet with their doctors for regular check-ups. These check-ups include a check of weight, blood pressure and BMI, and recipients receive exercise and cooking classes, too.”Read more: Fruits and Vegetables are the New Doctor’s Orders
Chocolate—Cravings for chocolate often indicate that your body may be deficient inmagnesium. Many nutritionists estimate that more than 80% of the population is lacking magnesium in their diet, which may explain why so many of us reach for chocolate. While chocolate can contain beneficial antioxidants, they usually come alongside plentiful amounts of sugar. If you eat chocolate be sure to reach for dark chocolate which is usually lower in sugar and higher in antioxidants. Additionally, eat foods high in magnesium, such as nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy greens.
Red Meat—Not surprisingly, cravings for red meat usually indicate an iron deficiency. Often people crave burgers or steaks. Women of menstruation age are especially vulnerable to iron deficiencies.
Cheese—Cravings for cheese or pizza often indicate a fatty acid deficiency, which is common in most people, since few people get enough Omega 3 fatty acids. Reach for raw walnuts, wild salmon, flax oil, and add ground flaxseeds to your diet.
Read more: Your Cravings: Decoded
2. From the root down, cut the onion in half.
3. Peel & discard skin.
4. With the flat side down, cut parallel, evenly spaced slices into the onion. Don’t cut all the way to the root.
5. With your knife parallel to your cutting board, cut slices that stop before the root end.
6. Cut through your first round of slices.Other Tips:
Make sure that your knife is as sharp as possible. A chef’s knife is ideal here.
You can freeze onions or let them sit in cool water for 15-20 minutes before chopping to reduce tears.
Having the hood vent on can reduce irritation.
Dicing with a piece of bread in your mouth has been known to alleviate symptoms.
You can even use goggles to stop the sting.
Read more: How to Cut an Onion Without Tears
Posted Kay Curtis
These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.