Antibiotics, NSAIDS and Proton Pump Inhibitors are three of the worse things you can take.

“NO WAY  – Antibiotics make me well, NSAIDS get rid of my joint pain and Proton Pump Inhibitors get rid of my acid reflux!”

WAY – all three destroy your gut health which leads to gas, IBS, weight gain, depression, ADD, joint inflammation, poor immune system, acne, diabetes, dementia and autoimmune just to name a few conditions.


Yes, they can be a lifesaver, BUT according to Medical News Today, it was previously thought the antibiotics only killed gut bacteria and blocked some immune functions in the gut. A study showed they also destroy cells in the intestinal epithelium (gut lining). This is a problem because antibiotics destroy the place where nutrients are absorbed as well as destroying the barrier between the rest of the body and the huge colonies of bacteria that live in the gut.  I’ll spell it out:  now there is no nutrient absorption and also bacteria leaking into the lymph system causing systemic inflammation (joint pain, cardiovascular problems, acne, dementia, etc.).

Antibiotics disrupt the tiny compartments inside cells that act like batteries, called mitochondria.  The mitochondria convert food into energy for the cell, so it’s no wonder people get really tired when they take antibiotics.  Also, the mitochondria play an important role in cell signaling and growth and need to function properly for good health.

Antibiotics have been found to cause immune system damage and reduce brain cell growth.  Really? So doesn’t immune system damage mean that you will keep getting sick and have to use more antibiotics? And reduced brain cell growth – well that can’t possibly be good!


Let’s clear up what NSAIDS are. NSAIDS stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Here’s a short, common list: aspirin, Celebrex, Motrin, Advil, Aleve. They are supposed to decrease pain and inflammation, but they also increase gut permeability, gut inflammation and mucosal erosions or ulcerations in the small intestines. As a result of this, you end up with more joint pain and inflammation not to mention gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and swelling from the stress put on the kidneys.

In the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, small bowel injury occurred in 68 – 75% of volunteers on two weeks of therapy of NSAIDS.  60% of young healthy volunteers observed large erosion ulcers after 7 days of 100 mg of aspirin. The study also showed that NSAIDS increased the rate of stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and cardiac death.


What on earth are Proton Pumps? Well, they are carrier proteins that transport protons across biological membranes that helps the cell drive the very processes the cells need to do. Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPI) are a group of drugs whose main action is to inhibit this action in the stomach resulting in long-lasting reduction of stomach acid (think Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid).  Don’t people need PPIs?  Well, no, actually.  The majority of people with GERD, reflux, etc. don’t have enough stomach acid.

So no stomach acid results in these symptoms:

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Multiple food intolerances
  • Nausea after taking supplements
  • Prolonged fullness after eating

You actually need the acid to keep the valve shut so food doesn’t come up into the esophagus, and to open the valve to let the food out of the stomach.

And then no stomach acid can lead to:

  • Abnormal intestinal flora
  • Chronic candida
  • Mineral deficiencies (iron, calcium)
  • Undigested food in the stool
  • Weak, peeling, cracked fingernails
  • Leaky gut

I won’t even get into listing all the diseases that ultimately develop after years of suppressing or not having enough stomach acid.

Now let’s just say for a moment, that none of that was true. Ok, so we are inhibiting the proton pumps just in the stomach, right – no big deal. Well, it is a big deal because it’s NOT JUST IN THE STOMACH.   You have proton pumps in neutrophils (white blood cells) and endothelial cells (cells that line the blood vessels). Not exactly places you want activity suppressed.

Also, Proton Pump Inhibitors –

The problem is if you don’t track these types of drugs for decades, these issues and diseases show don’t show up readily and people including Doctors think they completely harmless. But they aren’t harmless.  And taking a combination of these drugs (which lots of people do) is really, really bad.

OK – Solutions, Please!

The biggest thing you can do for your health is to cut out starchy carbohydrates and sugar! We currently eat more of these foods in a week, than people did in a year 200 hundred years ago. These foods destroy your digestive system, immune system, hormonal system, lead to Diabetes and inflame the entire body: gut, joints, cardiovascular system and brain etc.

I can’t say you will never need an antibiotic, but please avoid them for colds, acne, most sinus issues etc. Also, if you could avoid the broad-spectrum antibiotics, that will help some, too.  What you need to do is rev up your immune system so you don’t need them to begin with.

For long-term immune health, you need Immuplex and a Gut Rebuild program that includes Gut Flora and Prosymbiotic.

For acute situations – A combination of Andrographis, Congaplex and Epimune usually does the trick.

If you are in pain and have inflammation I recommend Saligesic, Boswellia Complex and Nervagisic.

If you have reflux, GERD or indigestion, I highly recommend Zypan and or Digest Forte. Of course, there are products to address your entire digestive system North to South.

And of course you always, always need to be on adrenal support all the time such as Drenamin, Adrenal Complex or Withania Complex for the wired and tired folks.

Remember, there is no such thing as an Antibiotic, Advil or Nexium deficiency, but there is such thing as a vitamin and mineral deficiency and vitamins and minerals are what your body uses to heal itself!

These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.