Really? Are they automatically healthy, or at least automatically healthier than fat people? Well, that’s what one would think by the propaganda in the media. And that’s what one would think by some of the attitudes of thin people out there. Some thin people give off the vibe that since they are thin, they don’t have any health problems. Well, I’ve got news for them. They can have as much low blood sugar, high blood sugar, type two diabetes, cardiovascular issues, digestion problems, hormonal issues, poor immune systems, rapid aging AND FAT as the rest of us.

I grew up a very thin person. My diet consisted of Captain Crunch, Burger King, Taco Bell, Nacho Flavor Doritos, Dr. Pepper etc. I remained thin – at least thin enough to have a career as a model and then I eventually started putting on weight around age 28. I’m 15 to 20 pounds heavier than I was 30 years ago when I modeled, but still maintain a size 6-8. I considered myself very healthy for a long time. I mean, didn’t everyone get sick at least 3 times a year, get tired in the afternoon, want to bite someone’s head off when they hadn’t eaten in 2 or 3 hours and have such bad periods your husband wanted to take you to the hospital every month? That’s healthy right?

Thank goodness I got Cancer, changed careers(became a Nutritional Consultant), started exercising, found myself a great Nutritionist (Dr. Ron Saltman) AND RAISED MY STANDARD OF HEALTH – because if I had continued on with the diet I was consuming there is no doubt in my mind I would have been a Type II Diabetic on insulin with heart disease and adrenal failure, raging yeast infections and arthritis from taking so many rounds of antibiotics from being sick 3 or more times a year and would have had several operations for fibroids while I prayed I could make it through menopause without horrible depression.

Let’s read about Thin Outside, Fat Inside person:

“Molecular imaging expert Jimmy Bell, M.D., studies a condition he calls TOFI—thin outside, fat inside. Nearly undetectable from a person’s appearance, TOFI happens when fat that would normally build up under your skin (hello, thunder thighs!) gloms onto your abdominal organs instead. This visceral fat is way worse than any muffin-top chub—it can cause inflammatory substances to affect your liver and pancreas, and lower your insulin sensitivity, putting you at risk for type 2. “With TOFI, you might look slim,” says Bell, “but your insides are behaving as if you are obese.””

“Many young women also unwittingly engage in a second big TOFI and diabetes risk: yo-yo dieting. “Each time you lose weight through dieting, you also lose muscle,” explains Betul Hatipoglu, M.D., an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic. “And each time you regain that weight, you gain only fat.” In other words, yo-yo dieters lose the muscle mass that would help them burn visceral fat and control blood sugar—a type 2 double whammy.”

Read more at Women’s Health:

“Just because someone is lean doesn’t make them immune to diabetes or other risk factors for heart disease,” said Dr. Louis Teichholz, chief of cardiology at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, who was not involved in (Jimmy)Bell’s research.

Even people with normal Body Mass Index scores — a standard obesity measure that divides your weight by the square of your height — can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside.

Of the women scanned by Bell and his colleagues, as many as 45 percent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had excessive levels of internal fat. Among men, the percentage was nearly 60 percent.

So apparently, this means thin people can’t go around eating pasta, bread, desserts etc. because they will get diabetes like the rest of the population, even if it doesn’t make them obviously fat. And if they don’t end up with diabetes, there are many, many other things a person is subject to from eating those kinds of foods.

Eating all the empty carbs and sugar contributes to malnutrition, hormonal problems, and immune problems just to name a few broad issues. Eating foods like bagels, chips, crackers and sugar suck the nutrition out of you and throws your digestion off in your intestines by feeding the bad bacterial, which can lead to leaky gut, giving you joint pains whether you are fat or thin.

Gut flora, being out of balance from a poor diet, also disrupts the immune system, so thin or fat, a person can end up getting sick several times a year. Getting sick 3 times a year would be considered unhealthy whether people think so or not.

This is not a license to go around being overweight. Being overweight is not a disease or a condition, but a symptom – so you need to come in and see me about being overweight and we will figure out exactly what it is a symptom of.

The point being, a diet of protein and vegetables, with some fruit, will help protect us all, thin or not, from low blood sugar, type 2 diabetes, hormonal problems, cardiovascular disease, immune issues and will slow the aging process.

A word of advice –

Unfortunately, if you have a history of eating poorly, changing your diet and starting to exercise is huge, but often not enough to completely reverse the damage. You need to really make up for the malnourishment you have caused your body by taking whole food supplements, which will give your body the condensed nourishment it needs to repair itself. Remember, a body can do amazing things given the right nutrients!

These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.