What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?

What is Your Long Term Vision For Health?

Food is information and it talks to your genes and controls gene expression, hormones and metabolism. What you eat has the potential to determine if you will develop disease or gain weight.

You can eat fast food, sugar and wheat and cause your cells to comment suicide (I’m not kidding), or you can eat foods that will support the health of your cells like protein and vegetables that will help increase your odds of a long life without lots of medication. Watch this video from Canada – it applies to us, too.


Today there are 40 million adults aged 65 and older in the United States; by 2030, that number will rise to 72 million. Every day in the United States, another 10,000 people reach the age of 65.

  • Adverse drug reactions are among the top five greatest threats to the health of seniors.
  • Seniors have more chronic diseases and multiple conditions, so they use more prescription and over-the-counter drugs. More than 77% of seniors between the ages of 65 and 79 suffer from one or more chronic diseases. The number rises to 85% for those over age 80.
    • Source: Hwang W.,. Weller W, Ireys H., Anderson G. Out of pocket medical spending for care of chronic conditions. Health Affairs 2001;6: 267–78.
  • Seniors represent just over 13% of the population, but consume 40% of prescription drugs and 35% of all over the counter drugs
  • On average, individuals 65 to 69 years old take nearly 14 prescriptions per year, individuals aged 80 to 84 take an average of 18 prescriptions per year
  • 15% to 25% of drug use in seniors is considered unnecessary or otherwise inappropriate
  • Adverse drug reactions and noncompliance are responsible for 28% of hospitalizations of the elderly
  • 36% of all reported adverse drug reactions involve an elderly individual
  • Each year 32,000 seniors suffer hip fractures caused by medication-related problems
Do you want your last 10 years to be a time of pain, medication and dependance on others, or do you want to have your last 10 years to be an enjoyable, vibrant time of independence?


Maybe you have relatives that have debilitating diseases and you don’t want to end up like them.


We can all plan for our Physical and Mental future as we would for our financial future by asking ourselves:

What do I Not Want to happen and what do I Want to happen in terms of my health? What do I have to do to achieve my health goals?


I would say in order to achieve your health goals that first, understand that what you put in your mouth has a direct affect on your body’s future, so learn how to eat. And I don’t mean learn from the next door neighbor or the guest on the morning news. Learn from me or someone who actually studies and keeps up on the latest research – not someone who is STILL telling you to avoid fat and that eggs have too much cholesterol (even though research has proven otherwise a while ago).


Get some exercise – this also impacts your health considerably. Exercise helps to clear out the high blood sugar and stave off Alzhemer’s as well as it having many other benefits.


It took me way too long to realize that my body will not last forever. I have had to change my lifestyle and continue to change it in order to reverse the damage I did to it by smoking and eating carbohydrates and sugar. BUT, if I can do it anyone can – believe me.


As the proverb says, “The Best Time to Plant a Tree was Twenty Years Ago, and the Second Best Time is Now.”


Your time is now!


Posted by Kay Curtis


These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.