You only have one liver. The wrong lover can irritate your liver and you can’t afford that. Your liver regulates your fat, hormone levels, digestion and circulation. It helps detoxify your body and performs over 500 different chemical functions. Can your lover do that? I think not!


Some of the liver’s most important functions include:


• Metabolizing the nutrients for life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
• Detoxification… Turns toxic materials into non-toxic substances for expulsion
• Manufacturing and secreting bile in order to absorb fat-soluble nutrients and eliminate toxic
• Purifying the blood… Filters bacteria, endotoxins, antibodies-antigens and other particles from the circulation
• Acts as a blood bank for 20 to 30% of your body’s blood
• Manufacturing blood clotting agents and blood proteins
• Manufacturing metabolizing and storing hormones
• Fat metabolism… Controls triglycerides, cholesterol, other blood fats and body fat levels




Abnormal metabolism of fats


• Abnormalities in the level of fats in the blood stream. For example; elevated LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cholesterol and elevated triglycerides
• Arteries blocked with fat, leading to high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes
• Build up of fat in other body organs (fatty degeneration of organs)
• Lumps of fat in the skin (lipomas and other fatty tumors)
• Excessive weight gain, which may lead to obesity
• Inability to lose weight even while dieting
• Sluggish metabolism
• Protuberant abdomen (pot belly)
• Cellulite
• Fatty liver
• Roll of fat around the upper abdomen – (liver roll)



Digestive problems

• Indigestion
• Reflux
• Hemorrhoids
• Gall stones and gall bladder disease
• Intolerance to fatty foods
• Intolerance to alcohol
• Nausea and vomiting attacks
• Abdominal bloating
• Constipation
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Pain over the liver – (upper right corner of abdomen & lower right rib cage)


Blood sugar problems

• Craving for sugar
• Hypoglycemia and unstable blood sugar levels
• Mature onset diabetes (Type 2) is common in those with a fatty liver


Nervous system

• Depression
• Mood changes such as anger and irritability
• Metaphysically the liver is known as the “seat of anger”
• Poor concentration and “foggy brain”
• Overheating of the body, especially the face and torso
• Recurrent headaches (including migraine) associated with nausea
• Eye problems/ Blurred Vision
• Dizziness
• Worrier
• Nightmares


Immune dysfunction

• Allergies – sinusitis, hay fever, asthma, dermatitis, hives, etc.
• Allergies – sinusitis, hay fever, asthma, dermatitis, hives, etc.
• Multiple food and chemical sensitivities
• Skin rashes and inflammations
• Increased risk of autoimmune diseases
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Fibromyalgia
• Increase in recurrent viral, bacterial and parasitic infections


External signs

• Coated tongue
• Bad breath
• Skin rashes
• Itchy skin (pruritus)./Dry skin
• Excessive sweating
• Offensive body odor
• Dark circles under the eyes
• Yellow discoloration of the eyes
• Red, swollen, itchy eyes (allergic eyes)
• Acne rosacea – (red pimples around the nose, cheeks and chin)
• Brownish spots and blemishes on the skin (liver spots)
• Red palms and soles which may also be itchy and inflamed
• Flushed facial appearance or excessive facial blood vessels (capillaries/ veins)
• Hair loss
• Bitter, metallic taste in mouth in the mornings
• Pain between shoulder blades
• Sensitive to hot weather


Hormonal Imbalance

• Intolerance to hormone replacement therapy or the contraceptive pill (e.g. side effects)
• Menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes may be more severe
• Premenstrual syndrome may be more severe

But what if you have irritated and mistreated your liver with processed foods, chemicals and metals in the environment, alcohol, prescription and over the counter medication and synthetic supplements? You better do something about it – like do a 21 Day Purification/Detox!


Actually, that detoxes more than the liver – it detoxes the liver, kidneys, lymph, skin and blood. And like a wise teacher I had once said, ” Supporting one pathway of detox is like hiring a new quarterback for a bad team. It may make some difference, but the effects are limited.”


So do the 21 Day Purification Detox. You liver AND your lover will thank you!

These recommendations are for the reduction of stress only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, or as a substitute for regular medical care.